​​NCA implements LIFE´s environment sub-programme to support valuable natural area embedded in the Natura 2000 system. The loss of biodiversity is one of the up-to-date problem. So to actively protect non-forest habitats and species of European and national importance the appropriate management have to be implemented. To ensure the sustainability of restored areas the LIFE projects stress the importance of involvement of local farmers as well as the general public and their cooperation to gain the best results. All implemented projects are co-financed by the European Union´s LIFE programme/LIFE+ and by the Ministery of Environment.

NCA has been successfully implementing LIFE projects since 2011:

​​​​​LIFE Ukraine

Conservation of Natural Heritage for Life in Ukraine (101148569 — LIFE23-PRE-CZ-ConNaturLIFE Ukraine — LIFE-2023-PLP)


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Integrated project LIFE PROSPECTIVE – Protect Species Actively by LIFE (LIFE22-IPN-CZ-PROSPECTIVE-LIFE/101104621)


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LIFE One Nature

Integrated LIFE project for Natura 2000 in the Czech Republic, LIFE-IP: N2K Revisited (LIFE17 IPE/CZ/000005)

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LIFE České Středohoří

Active conservation of thermophilous habitats and species of Community interest in the České středohoří hills (LIFE16 NAT / CZ / 000639)

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LIFE For insect

Conservation of Selected Natura 2000 Insect Species in Transboundary area (CZ-SK) of Western Carpathian Mts. (LIFE16 NAT/CZ/000731)

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LIFE+ Butterflies CZ-SK

Integrated Protection of Rare Butterfly Species of Non-forest Habitats in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (LIFE09 NAT/CZ/000364)

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LIFE+ Lounské Středohoří Steppes

Active protection of the SCIs with thermophilous habitat types and species in Lounské Středohoří hills (LIFE09 NAT/CZ/000363)

The European Natura 2000 Award rewards excellence in the management of Natura 2000. The project Lounské středohoří steppes received the prize in the Communication category in 2014.

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